h-rainbow.gif (2241 bytes)

  • As spectrograph for two- dimensional multichannel detection due to the very good imaging properties.
  • As Monochromator for high resolution applications.
  • 750mm focal length
  • High throughput.
  • Exceptional price performance.
  • Ideal for Raman spectroscopy applications.


Focal length, mm 750 mm
Aperture 1:8
Diffraction gratings, G/mm 100 up to 2400
Reciprocal linear dispersion, in nm/mm * 0.75
Resolution, in nm  (specified with grating with 1800 gr/mm) 0.02
stray light rejection (10µm slit 1nm from 632.8nm laser line) 5exp-5
Entrance slit:
Slit width, in mm 0 to 2
Reading accuracy, in mm 0.002
Slit height, in mm 2 to 18
Overall dimensions, mm 2x(600x350x300)
Weight , in kg 30

Available Types

MS 750.1 with one grating tunable
MDD 750.4 with 4 gratings interchangeable