MDS-120 Substractive double Monochromator
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The Monochromator optical schematic is based on the principle of zero dispersion. Each singledispersion Monochromator has been contructed according to the Hill modified configuration with off-axis parabolic mirrors.


  • Low stray light
  • High energy throughput
  • Aspheric collimating and focusing mirrors
  • Continuously variable slits
  • Computer control of functions
  • Specifications

    Focal Length (mm) 120
    Aperture Ratio 1/4.0
    Wavelength Range (nm) * 200 to 999
    Simultaneously Selected Wavelength Interval (nm) * 160
    Entrance slit Exit slit
    Slit Width (mm) 0 to 0.4 0 to 0.5
    Reading Accuracy(mm) 0.001 0.001
    Slit Height (mm) 8 8
    * With 1200 G/mm grating. Other gratings available.