• ideal for illumination purposes
  • high Throughput
  • low stray light
  • fully computerized including the filter wheels
  • exceptional price performance

1. Entrance slit.
2, 6. Spherical mirrors.
3, 4. Spherical gratings with a variable step (for astigmatism Correction) 1200 g/nm
5. Intermediate slit.
7. Exit slit.
8. Sorting filters.


Focal length, mm 160
Aperture ratio f/3,5
Wavelength range, nm 200-800
Dispersion (average),nm/mm dispersion substraction (zero)
Resolution,nm with 2mm wide entrance slit 1,5-14nm (specified by intermediate slit)
Stray light 10exp-7 at the distance=20nm, lambda=632,8
Wavelength accuracy, nm 0,5
Throughput 34% at lambda= 3D 300nm
order sorting ligth filters installed automatically
Entrance and exit slits:
Slit width, in mm 0 to 3
Scale devision, m 0.01
Slit height,mm 7
(Data reference to 1200g/mm spherical grating with a variable step of grooves ruling for astigmatism)
Electrical requirements 220±22 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumtion, W not more than 50
RS 232 with parameters as follows:
bit rate, bit/s 9600
2 stop bits without parity check